Eyðibýli á Íslandi

The research of abandoned farms in Iceland


The Abandoned Farms association started and manage the project. This is a non-profit association with the objective to research and register the magnitude and cultural importance of every abandoned farms and other deserted residences in the rural areas of Iceland.  Abandoned Farms Association also contribute by preserving and saving abandoned traditional farms properties.

 Vol. 1   Vol. 2 
 Vol. 3  Vol. 4
 Vol. 5   Vol. 6
 Vol. 7  
  Our sales office: Síðumúli 33,
108 Reykjavík,
Tel.: +354 5885800.
  Opening hours:
9:00-17:00 weekdays


Eyðibýli áhugamannafélag  -  Síðumúla 33, 108 Reykjavík  -  Sími: 588-5800  -  Netfang: [email protected]  -  Veffang: www.eydibyli.is
